In January 2024, Urbis Parfums launches Cuba.
“An invitation to visit Cuba, the cradle of tobacco, to experience the scent of luxurious Cuban cigars.
As the case with expensive Cuban cigars, The fragrance Cuba by Urbis Parfums is distinguished by its luxurious aroma, which is unique among other tobacco fragrances.
Cuba is the closest embodiment to the scent of a fine Cuban cigar, with its creamy feel and rich aroma. For hours, wafts of Cuba by Urbis Parfums will take you to the province of Pinar del Río, where the most expensive types of Cuban tobacco grow, this trip includes the Vuelta Abajo region, where the clouds cover the tobacco leaves, blocking the sun’s rays from time to time.
The scent of tobacco is surrounded by musk and sandalwood, to give you a rich experience. Undoubtedly Cuba by Urbis Parfums will appeal to fans of Cuban cigars, as well as to other non-smokers.”
Top Notes: Bergamot , Yellow Mandrine, Cardamom Guatemala, Green Notes, Saffron.
Middle Notes: Clove, White Honey, Indian Davana, Plum.
Base Notes: Cedarwood, Vanilla , Tobacco, Tonka Bean, Oud, intense wood, Gourmand Notes, Leather.
Urbis Parfums website: